smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Monday, December 14, 2015

My God It's Monday

and oh man, does it feel like a Monday

I got a slapdash todo list put together on Thursday, but just a list of those things that absolutely had to be done before yesterday evening. And I did get them done, but I could feel the weight of all the rest of the stuff I had to do bearing down on me, even though I hadn't written them down. Funnily enough, once I got everything written down this morning, it felt more manageable. It's still a whole bunch, but manageable.

I would like to get the bulk of what needs doing done by the 23rd, so I can just relax until the 28th and enjoy the holiday festivities without edits or submissions or anything else hanging over my head. It may or may not happen, but I'm going to do my best to have a stress free holiday this year.

And now it's well after noon and I've only got a couple things crossed off my list. How does that happen? It's not like I spent the morning twiddling my thumbs!

Got the Christmas tree up yesterday and the outside of the house is all decorated now too. This year instead of doing lights, I got one of those laser projection thingies. This one does green and red and wow it sure beat having to untangle lights, make sure they all still work, replace the ones that don't, or better yet, get frustrated and go buy new ones, followed by trying to get them all up so that the plugs are in the right spots and it stays up where I want it, etc. This was plug in and turn on and it's got a sensor so it turns itself off during the day even. Genius.

I'm feeling like I'd like something like a tortiere to be included on the Christmas dinner table this year. Not as the only offering, but among the foods. Homemade, too, not store bought. I find many of the store bought ones are waaaaayyy too heavy on the cloves. I am not a cloves fan and any recipe that includes it, I will halve the amount called for. At most that's what I'll put in. Sometimes it's even less than half.

So the new Mannies book has been covered, edited and now formatted. It should be available very soon and I shall announce it with a loud voice once it is out. I'm eager to share it!

And I've got to get more items crossed off this massive to do list, so that's it for today.

Happy Monday, all!

smut fixes everything
where the naughty boys come... and play


  1. So excited about the new Mannies book! Can't wait.

  2. You & I love cloves the same ... barely. *tapping foot impatiently* for the new Mannies! Lists ... like rules ... are guidelines! hee hee

