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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Smutty Advent - Day 15

Day 15

Jack handed his master the envelope, and prayed that he’d been picking up Oliver’s cues correctly. He’d arranged with Tanny and Jim to take over the Christmas party this year and both Master Billy and Master Marcus had agreed his present was a good idea.

Still, he was nervous.

“It’s an early Christmas present, Master.”

“Early? Do you wan't me to open it now?”

“Yes, Master. It’s time sensitive.” They left in the morning; he’d packed for both of them.

Oliver opened the envelope, eyes widening as he saw the tickets. “Boy?”

“It’s a holiday, Master. Just you and me for two weeks. We’ll spend Christmas on the beach.”

“Oh.” Oliver reached for him, a wondering grin growing on his face.

Oh. Oh, thank God! He threw himself into Oliver’s arms, hugging him tight. “Just you and me, Master. For two whole weeks of sun and sand and cocktails.”

“Oh, there’s nothing I’d love more, boy. Not a single thing.”

“Me too, Master.” He hugged his master tight. “Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas, my boy. I suppose we ought to pack, hmm? Get ready to jingle?”

The idea of his master jingling made Jack giggle.

“I do love you, Master Oliver.” With all of his soul.

“And I love you beyond reason, boy.”

He turned his face up for a kiss, smiling as his master’s lips slid against his.

Christmas or any other time of the year, Jack knew he was one lucky boy.

While Oliver and Jack are happy to make cameos in all the Hammer books, they refuse to share their own story. 

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