smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Monday, November 7, 2016

My God It's Monday

Man, it sure does feel like a Monday today, too. I have all this stuff to do and am feeling distinctly unorganized about it. Doesn't help I'm doing that rabbiting thing where I can't focus on anything and just jump from thing to thing to thing.

However, there are good things about today - it's the second to last Monday before I go to New Mexico for my annual Thanksgiving visit. I am so looking forward to it and crossing my fingers for no problems on the flights down - last year we were delayed landing in Chicago and my flight from there to New Mexico had been cancelled and I wound up flying through Denver and everything was late and full and I finally did make it, but I usually get in at noon and it was almost ten pm instead! Had troubles coming home, too last trip. Hopefully that used up my bad flight karma for the foreseeable. It's all totally worth it, though.

I have some great newself-pubbed books coming - a new Velvet Glove is in the middle of edits and should be out mid-month, a new short novella featuring a bunch of the Hammer guys celebrating Christmas will be out early December, and then there's a new Mannies book I'm about to send to editing. I just need to come up with a title for it. Titles are so hard!

All the Velvet Glove books are 25% off at All Romance Ebooks for the entire month in celebration of the new one coming out soon. You can get those here.

I really enjoy writing the Velvet Glove books. So many ideas, so little time. If only I didn't need to sleep...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to you all meeting the men of Velvet Quartet!

Have a great Monday all.

smut fixes everything


  1. That sounds rough. I'm glad your travels were safe. Wooohooo picked up 4 more of the Velvet Glove books, brings my total to 7. Slowly but surely getting them all. :)

  2. OOh I remember what a horrid time you had last year getting there! I hope it goes MUCH MORE SMOOTHLY this year *HUGS*

    WOOO HOOO for new books coming soon!

    Monday was a good day <33
