smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My God It's Monday

Happy Halloween to all!

The flow of trick or treaters has started. My favorite are the little ones. Some are scared, some are not sure what's going on, or some, like the little pink unicorn who came by know exactly what's going on and won't let Mommy help them carry the getting heavy candy bag - that is theirs!

This year I have a machine in an upstairs window that blows bubbles full of fog. So when they hit something and break out comes this puff of smoke. OMG, so much fun. Kids of all ages and grown-ups alike are delighted by it. I'm so glad I got it.

And after the rush... lowest amount of kids this year, aside from the year it was pouring with rain. But they all loved the bubbles that popped and turned into fog in their hands.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!

smut fixes everything


  1. Sounds like a fabulous Halloween full of fun and laughs. My girls went with my sister so I relaxed this time and enjoyed the quiet.

    1. One of these years I'll do that, but I have so much fun going to the lead-up so I think it'll be awhile before I do that.

  2. We had only 20 kids this year. Each year we get less.

    1. I had nearly 150 kids the second or third year I moved into the current house. It's dropped every since and we're down to less than 70.

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween. Our streets were full of trick or treaters last night.
    Wishing you a great week!

  4. We started out super slow...and then at the end, we just set the candy bowl outside with a note....candy disappeared LOLLL Which was the point. Kid had a blast :D

    1. Heee - maybe next year i'll do that because I have at least 30 prepped bags and I don't want to eat it all myself!
