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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday

It''s no secret I don't like the heat. At least at the moment the humidity isn't as nearly as bad as it can be some summers, so it's that little bit better. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect time to do a top ten list about what I love about winter!

Top Ten Things I Love About Winter

  1. Snow! I love snow in all it's forms, but especially the great big slow flakes that leave the world hushed.
  2. Getting to wear hoodies! I really enjoy wearing sweaters and hoodies and just can't the rest of the year 'cause they make me too hot.
  3. Christmas! I do love the holiday season. Decorating and giving gifts and making cookies for people makes me happy.
  4. My birthday! I'm a winter baby.
  5. Cold weather! Give me a cold day over a hot day anytime.
  6. Blue skies! On the coldest of days there is very little humidity in the air and the sky is this incredibly blue blue that it doesn't get any other time of year.
  7. Less daylight! Yeah, yeah, I know this makes me a weirdo, but I like the shorter days. I am not a fan of sunshine and much prefer shorter days (sure by about March I'm ready for longer ones again, but as soon as the heat hits I'm looking forward to winter again.)
  8. No bugs! I have never seen a mosquito here in the middle of winter.
  9. White Hot Chocolate! I can have it during the summer if I want to, but there's nothing like a white hot chocolate on a cold winter's day. It warms you from the inside out.
  10. Snowstorms! The world becoming blanketed and quiet and everyone staying inside and watching. 
I don't know why I used exclamation marks for all of those...

Anyway - can you tell that I love winter?

smut fixes everything

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