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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Back when I was a kid I use to have to walk uphill both ways... No, seriously, though. I have always loved September. While I was always ready for school to be over and summer to start at the end of the school year, by the time back to school rolled around I was totally ready and looking forward to it. From elementary up to university, I just loved school. So back to school to me was always a wonderful time of the year. 

Nowadays I look forward to September for it meaning that summer is over. Of course so far September has been more hot than not, but there's a promise of fall coming soon. Supposedly, Sunday is going to have a high of 21C with an overnight low of 12C. These are temperatures I can get behind. 

In elementary, I can remember lining up by grades, with our final report cards from the year before in hand so the teachers could make sure we were in the right line. As I walked past the elementary school near where I live the other morning, I could see the kids lining up by grade. Some things never change, it seems.

Funnily enough, I can't remember what the process was for high school. Why would I remember the elementary first day of school routine but not the high school one? Weird.

But back to school always meant school supplies - pens and paper and rulers, protractors. It meant new teachers and new classrooms. New textbooks and new books for English. It meant a brand new semester without any grades yet, and everything had the potential to be awesome.

I do get nostalgic for it sometimes and think how much fun it would be to take a few courses. But then the urge passes -- usually about the time the boys start getting noisy in my head again!

To relate this back to books - I have a book featuring a couple of college students - The Tutor. It's currently 40% off on All Romance Ebooks through to the 15th.

Peter is used to guys coming and going. College is all about experimentation, after all, and Kai is new to the whole experience. Still, he's more than willing to help Kai learn all of the ins and outs of college life, even if the kid leaves in the end.

Kai is a lot less fickle than Peter thinks, though, and is curious about everything his new tutor can teach him, in and out of the classroom.

Can these two make the grade?

Previously published by Torquere Press.

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