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Monday, January 20, 2020

Movie Monday

I watched two movies over the weekend.

Gemeni and Kingsmen: The Golden Circle. I went into both without any expectations aside from the fact that the premise for Gemini was interesting and I thought the original Kingsmen was okay, but not great.


Well, the second Kingsmen makes the first look like a fantastic movie. It was slow moving and had a lot of stupid in it. Ironically, the best parts of the second one are the fight scenes, which in the first one felt gratuously violent. If you loved the first one, you will probably enjoy this one, as long as you go in expecting it to be not as good as the orginal. I'm super glad I saw it on a streaming service and didn't actually pay for it.

Gemini I did pay for - the rental cost through my cable company, so I didn't pay as much as I would have seeing it in the theatre.

It's a little slow moving in some places, but I enjoyed this one. I especially liked that the female 'lead' was not a love interest, nor was she a damsel in distress. Yes, the hero winds up rescuing her, but only after they set it up for her to get caught. She kicked ass and saved her own butt more than once.

The premise was interesting - and it raises all sorts of questions that they don't answer at all (which is not surprising, nor I don't think necessary for the movie to do) but who do clones belong to? What's the ethics of how you treat clones? etc. These are questions that we are going to eventually have to answer as cloning becomes more refined and developed. Maybe it's not going to be a question my generation is going to have to worry about, but an upcoming generation will.

So if you only have time for one of these two movies, go with Gemini and leave Kingsmen on the viewing room floor ;)

smut fixes everything

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