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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday

Given we`re in a heat wave, complete with weather warnings about staying out of it. I thought I`d share the top ten ways I stay cool during a heat wave.

10. think about winter and all that snow - I miss it so
9. eat food that doesn`t need to be cooked - the oven is notorious for heating up the kitchen and the rest of the house
8. drink lots of water
7. add ice to all liquids
6. stay in the shade
5. keep trips outside to a minimum
4. eat lots of popsicles (the grape flavored ones are my favorite)
3. take cold showers
2. wear as little as possible
1. stay inside where the a/c temp is set low and the fans are plentiful - I am a total hermit during weather like we`re currently having.

Stay cool out there!

smut fixes everything

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