smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Friday, May 27, 2016

Random Friday

Been a very busy week, looks like it's going to be a busy weekend, too. I would like to sleep in tomorrow and Sunday but I don't think that's going to happen, for a couple of reasons.
First off, because of all the stuff I have to do. Second of all (why don't we say second off?) as soon as it's hot like it's been, my bedroom just doesn't get cool even at night, even with the AC on, so I need to use either the fan, or the standing room AC I have. Both of which are very loud. So while I usually get a few hours of solid sleep, I usually wake up early, driven there by the noise (and with a headache). Some people deliberately have white noise machines, to my brain its horrible noise.

Kind of like the school bus trying to get the attention of the idiots parked in the no parking zone. It's a no parking zone because the school buses need the room to turn around at that section and today there were four cars. So he started honking and just kept on doing it. Oy.

Man, over 30C today, tomorrow and Sunday, plus it's getting humid now, too, so it's no wonder they're calling for thunderstorms over the next few days. I do admit that I love a good thunderstorm, I just don't like the weather conditions that lead to them!

The heat makes me lethargic and sleepy and it's hard to get anything done. Even with the AC on. Plus, I feel guilty if I set it any lower than 22C. I'd really like to set it at 20C, but then it has to run almost constantly. As it is, my electricity bills in the summer are more than double what they are in the winter. More Oy.

I had two releases plus a self-pub out this last week. I'm going to have to pimp them today/tomorrow here. Do at least one smutterday post. I keep hoping that if I can just get this next book turned in, or that edit done, that things will back off and I won't be feeling like I'm totally disorganized, but so far that hasn't happened. I will keep trying, though. And one day I will be caught up, right? See, I must be an optimist if I continue to believe that that's true!

I hope you all have fabulous plans for the weekend! Have a good one :)

smut fixes everything

1 comment:

  1. I feel you RE: the heat. Our upstairs a/c is broken so our bedrooms are STIFLING. Kid slept downstairs on the couch last night and now that the grandparents have left, he'll be sleeping down in the guest bedroom where it's cool. We may move him back up to the couch and take the bed ourselves we'll have to see. In the meantime, I'm awaiting an estimate to replace our a/c :(((((( Stupid heat, stupid townhouse with specialty size a/c's.

    WOO HOOo with your self-pub stuff! That's awesome :D

    have a great weekend <3333
