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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

I'm taking part in the hop for visibility, awareness and equality which kicks off today, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.

What sucks is that we need a day like this. We really ought to be able to get along, celebrate our differences instead of hating each other for them. How boring would it be if we were all the same? How amazing would it be if we celebrated our differences and cared for each other?

I don't tend to get very political in my posts, but sometimes I think it's important to stand up and say, I believe in love. I believe in love no matter your gender, your sexual preference, your color, your race, no matter what. You deserve to be loved, to love, and to be able to celebrate your love. Everyone deserves their happy ending. No, everyone deserves their happy life, not just a happy ending.

If instead of seeing someone different, we could look at each other and see how we're the same, maybe we'd treat each other better. (And by we I mean humanity.) We like to go on about how we're the only beasts who can think, that our intellect makes us so much better than all the other creatures in the world. Let's start using those brains for positivity. Let's use our brains to figure out the best ways love each other, on a micro and macro level. And why are we so concerned about who other people love, about what they look like without their clothes on, about what gender they identify as? What all the other people in the world feel/think/love/identify as doesn't change who you are...

I'm giving away an ebook copy of each of the books in my Losing His Cover series. The first two are already out, the third will be out June 15. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post, preferably with your email addy so I can send you your prize. If you don't leave your addy, be sure to check back after May 24 to see if you've been chosen as the winner. 

Respect each other!

smut fixes everything


  1. I believe in equality for all, no one has the right to decide who deserves what. Thanks for your post.

  2. Thanks so much for participating!


  3. It does suck but hopefully with increasing awareness the phobias will decrease. Thanks for spreading the word on such an important subject!

  4. Yes it's like that everywhere. If you'd look at only the good or focused on the good then your life would be happier so the next thought would be why these people who focus on the bad why don't they want to be happy


  5. Awareness is the first step-we must first know the "other" to accept it. umchic @

  6. I was always against the international day of women ( in Cuba and Argentina, it is a celebration, !!!) , and I am not a feminist, I am only pro equality,pro similar rghts but actually it sucks that it has to be A DAY !!!!! fortunately it will change with time , this is one of very first steps , everything in life has it own social evolution, and this is a moment of evolution for all the people who are seemed different,for part of the society, the problem is the life span,for evolution is too long. and is very short individually, you said it we don't need happy ending we need happy life !!!!! ALL OF Us, all the human beings

  7. It would be wonderful if we didn't need days like this; I hope that in the future the need will lessen. I agree that we all need a happy life, an acceptance of each other's differences would help that along.

  8. *stands up and claps* Very eloquently put! Thank you for such a lovely post. Should be required reading for everyone! <33333

  9. I love these posts. Respect and equality for all is the key.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks for taking part in something I wish we didn't need. Just wanted to say that this: 'Let's start using those brains for positivity.' is the best sentence I've ever read, I want it on a T-shirt :D

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  11. I enjoyed the post it doesn't matter what we do or who we are we are all human after all Love is Love.


  12. I believe that each of us has our own unique orientation. That no two people are 100% alike in their likes and dislikes, in what makes them tick as the individuals they are. For that reason I feel that we should see the wonderfulness that our unique POVs bring to this world. At the end of the day we are all human. We are all attempting to find others who laugh at the same things, who are touched by the same things, AND who can show us a different perspective from our own in which to see the world. At least, that is my hope. Thank you for sharing your POV and your voice to this cause.


  13. Great post Sean. I couldn't agree more. We're all human and our sexuality and gender shouldn't matter.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  14. Take people for who they are, not what they are. :) Totally agree.

  15. I like the 'using....brains for positivity' line. And Kassandra's post is very eloquent

    Littlesuze at

  16. Sean,
    thanks so much for taking part in the hop. And yes, sometimes we do have to stand up for Love. Thanks for doing so in this hop.
    Cherie Noel, Hop Admin

  17. Angela
    Thank you for this post and for taking part in this Blog Hop. We all need to stand up for Love!! because Love is Love no matter who you love. And you are right the world would be boring if we were all the same.


  18. Completely agree. The energy used to attack people for things which actually bring MORE love into the world could be better spent on attacking things that harm others.

  19. equality for THAT's a concept to get behind :)


  20. Love is love. There are no boundaries. It is what you feel that matters.

  21. Love is love. There are no boundaries. It is what you feel that matters.

  22. That was a great post. I agree with you, we should concentrate on love regardless color, race, religion, sexuality... Love comes in many different forms, but is always the same big love...

  23. LOL - love your signature line -- "smut fixes everything" -- boy, is that true... most of the time, anyway.

  24. nice post

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  25. Love your post and I believe in equality for all.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com
