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Monday, April 6, 2020

Movie Monday

Watched a bunch of movies over the weekend (I have a feeling this will be a common refrain from me for the next while!)

Onward, Patient Zero, and The Dead Won't Die


Patient Zero was okay - a 7 out of 10 for having a 'zombie' movie where the zombies were both fast and still held onto some of their brains. In fact some of the zombies had a lot of brains left and were able to organize against the in their opinion inferior humans. It had Matt Smith in it, though I have to admit, I wasn't paying attention to the credits at the beginning and between them American accent and the super short hair, I didn't recognize him right away.

The Dead Won't Die was a 9 out of 10. It left plot threads dangling and everyone dies, but it was bizarre and hilarious and self-referencing. The opening scene has our two police heros calling the guy they are looking for "Hermit Bob" who "Farmer Miller" claimed had stolen his chicken. Then Cliff plays the radio and goes "this song is really familiar" to which his partner Ronnie replies "Of course you have, it's the theme song" (of the movie...) Ronnie kept saying "this is going to end badly" and when Cliff finally asks why does he keep saying that, Ronnie tells him he read the script. Cliff - the whole script? Ronnie - yes. Cliff - damn it director only gave me the parts with our scenes! And then something happens that comes totally out of left field and is both explanatory of one character and again hilarious and Ronnie goes - that wasn't in the script I read.

Onward - this one gets a 10 our of 10. It was recently in the theatres, but Disney relased it on their streaming service early and hubby really, really wanted to see it. I don't connect with animated stuff as much as he does so I was sure, whatever. Well this was adorable. Utterly adorable and I highly recommend it. I was very pleasantly surprised by just how much I liked it.

So I fared better in my choices this weekend than I did last weekend. We'll have to see what next weekend brings!

smut fixes everything

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