smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Throwback Thursday - Various

I thought I'd share some Throwback Thursday items in point form today.

  • The original Mannies Incorporated is currently free at All Romance Ebooks as a part of their Earth Day celebrations - get it before it's full price again!
  • Out of the Past, a re-release, is still #2 on All Romance Ebooks bestseller list! (Thank you to my awesome readers - you are all made of win)
  • Three of a Kind, a re-release, is available for early download from Pride Publishing and will be out for general distribution on April 26.
  • This time last year I had never been to a con and now I have been to two!
  • Three Day Passes is the first book I ever published (back in 2003) and now it's back up as a self-pub on Amazon and All Romance Ebooks, along with the other books in the series.
  • Twenty years ago I was in the midst of my year of the big three-o. Funny how it doesn't seem that big anymore ;)

Happy Thursday all!

smut fixes everything


  1. Smut does fix a! Love all of your books I have read still playing catch up and with you re-releasing all is good!

  2. I saw that Mannies was free today! YAY for all the old stuff being new again!
