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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday

 Today's Top Ten list is my least favorite chores.

Top Ten Least Favorite Chores

10. Taking out the garbage. I put this at number 10 because it's the lowest on my list of least favorite, mostly because the hubby and the son do the bulk of it.

9, Folding laundry. It's just not fun and back when I did the whole family's laundry, I'd fold the kids' clothes and then find them the next day on the floor in a pile... at least it would be a neat pile?

8. Vaccuming. Especially the stairs. When he was little my son loved the vaccuum. I mean used to chase as soon as he could crawl. So once he was old enough he loved doing the vaccuming. When we bought a handheld cordless Dyson for the stairs, you'd think it was Christmas and this was a gift just for him. Man, do I miss those days.

7. Cleaning out the fridge. Why is it that something has always fallen over and leaked all over the place? Only, in the back and you didn't know and now it's hard and sticky or totally dried on... 

6. Picking up the dog poop. It's my job when walking the dog and it's not the worst thing in the world (sure it better than accidentally stepping in some that wasn't picked up) but there are days when you just can't get away from the smell until you get home and toss it.

5. Cleaning the oven. At least now they're mostly self-clean, but you still have to get down in and there and wipe it out, plus scrub the really burnt in bits.

4. Washing windows. Just no thanks. I can never get them not streaky.

3. Drying Dishes. I don't mind washing them, but I hate drying them. I'll fill the rack, let them airdry, empty the rack and wash the rest if I have to in order to avoid actually drying.

2. Washing the bathtub. Bending over or hands and knees and scrubbing? Yuck.

1. Ironing. I hate ironing so much that I just don't do it anymore. Almost all my stuff doesn't need to be ironed anyway, and if it does, I just hang it up so the wrinkles sort of come out of it.

Have a non-chore day!


smut fixes everything

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