How about a New Year's themed Top Ten? Do you make resolutions? I have in the past, though I always wind up feeling like a failure when I can't keep them, so I've started to use the new year as a time to try to make new habits more than resolutions. But I figured I'd share my top ten resolutions that I made most often and didn't keep...
Top Ten New Year's Resolutions I Never Keep
10. Give up coca-cola - I did finally give it up (for health reasons) but it took a lot of tries, and it had nothing to do with new years when I finally did!
9. keep the house clean
8. eat better
7. lose weight
6. give up chips and candy
5. keep my calender and todo lists updated
4. save x amout of money every week
3. exercise regularly
2. be organized
1. write a blog post every day
smut fixes everything
I make similar ones and never keep them. This year I am doing birthday cards