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Monday, June 11, 2018

Movie Monday

Long time no Movie Monday!

There are so many movies out this summer that I want to see - many of which have already been released. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to go to any until last weekend. I needed a sanity break and went out to see Deadpool 2. Yeah, Deadpool and sanity maybe don't belong in the same sentence ;)

I enjoyed the movie, but I have to admit to being somewhat disappointed. I loved the first movie and I didn't think this one lived up to it.

Now, I was tired, cranky and stressed, so it's quite possible that once it comes out in Blu-Ray and I watch it again, I'm going to like it a lot better. Also, I had more expectations for this one than for the first. I really do need to remember not to go into movies with high expectations because that almost always leaves me kind of disappointed.

But, as I said, I did enjoy the movie. I do love the way Deadpool constantly breaks the fourth wall.

smut fixes everything

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